And just in time for Thanksgiving! In an ode to the delightful holiday that I am currently missing in America, I feel it is appropriate to make this post a thankful one. With that being said, lets get this show rolling.
I would like to deliver my first thanks (though this is in no particular order really) to my ibu. Ibu, the Bahasa Indonesian word for mother, has been a mom and more to me. Though her English is very limited and my Indonesian is coming along, we have bonded so much and become so close since my arrival in August. She is always at home, so when I am not feeling up to school (wink wink to those who know how often I am not feeling up to school) I get to spend my days with her. She is so funny and quite the jokester. I have been getting sick quite a few times since October, and she always jokes about how I can't die in her house and I have to be healthy in her house, but when I switch families then it doesn't matter. Lol. The list of jokes goes on, and perhaps I will divulge some more of them later, but I must keep moving along. Ibu, I will never forget your attempts at telling the time ("It empat thirty") and laughing at me when I choked on water that one time (don't worry, nothing serious). Thanks bu, love you.
(me messing around, ibu to capture the picture)
(we were "jogging")
Next lets move on to the rest of my family. So sorry they don't get their own section but I could honestly go on for hours about my family so for the sake of keeping this concise, I will do a combine. Ayah, I am so happy you know English. I am always glad to talk with you about Indonesian culture and learn more Indonesian words. You have been such a big help to me. Kak Diah, you are the best older sister, ever. You take me all kinds of places like Trans Studio Theme Park (still laughing at how we were the only ones there for a while), Pontai Losari (when we saw those extremely large snakes in the road and the weird colored chicks) and BALI (that monkey forest was the best, even though you weren't fond of the monkeys). We have been on quite the adventures and I can't wait for more! Kak Ami, though I never get to see you, you always let me use your computer and tried to teach me guitar once. Good times, good times. Love you guys.
(me and some of my family)
And for my next thanks, I believe it goes to my SMAN 5 friends. High school in Indonesia would not be the same without you guys, even though my attendance record is a little spotty. I am glad that you are all there to laugh at my laziness and my impression of the "Maju Mundur" walk, as well as keep me entertained when I am bored. I also can't forget how you guys helped teach me the useful Makassar words (opale, dompala...), for those come in handy everyday. Don't forget me ever!
Naturally, I must thank my rotary friends next. The FAK club if you will. Dear Alina and Fernanda, you guys are the best. That is all there is to it. Alina, you have shown me that Russia isn't all that bad (even though you told me your country could make mine a radioactive desert, those are her words people!) and Fernanda you have given me countless reasons to laugh and be happy. I hope you guys can make it to MN someday! I could go on and on, but just know that I love you real girls.
(one of my favorites)
Oh Thanksgiving, even though I do not get to enjoy your glorious pumpkin pie or wonderful mashed potatoes this year, I will be okay. I have a family here that loves me very much, and I am having the year of my life. WARNING; this is becoming an advertisement for rotary. Thank you so much rotary for giving me this opportunity, I wouldn't trade it for anything. Thank you mom and dad for saying yes to me and my wish of exchange. Thank you to everyone along the way that helped me hop countries.
Shout out to Americans, enjoy your Thanksgiving! Somebody eat a piece of pumpkin pie for me, I am serious.
Until next time,
your wandering Holman
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